O1 Needs analysis and best practices of data understanding and communication (DUC)
A research report that aims to map the state-of-the-art in DUC teaching methods in the consortium partner countries and at EU level:
- critical and analytical skills needed for teachers and trainers
- best practices of data understanding and communication teaching methods
- Innovative teaching and training activities Toolkit
Dowload the executive summaries, also available in translations:
O2 Modular course on DUC
A modular course for three modules of 30 learning hours (theory and practice) consisting of a problem analysis module, a data analysis module, and a communication module. See more details here about the original aim. The course has completed the piloting in January and February 2021.
Each modul covers 3-5 skills that are thought through units. One unit is between 25 and 60 minutes of self-paced studying. The acquisition of a skill is tested through self-assessment.
The course is fully translated to 4 languages: English, Hungarian, Polish and Spanish.
Availability of the online course
The course is available under Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons’ licens (CC BY-SA)
It is freely available to browse without registration at: http://lms.dataunderstanding.eu
- This access does not include the self assessment tests and the workshop, forum and chat functions
- It includes the individual learning content, examples and the summary.
If you would like to register and have full access to the course, including gaining open badges as proof of your efforts, you have to contact either your local partner organisation (see Partners) or the project coordinator at szalma at edu-inno.bme.hu
If you would like to offer the course in your own institutional Moodle, please also contact the coordinator to discuss the details. The content is transfer ready.
Booklet of the Data Understanding and Communication course
We have prepared an easily printed (pdf) handout of the course content, available as a free download in four languages:
You can print these to have a readily available guide to and reminder of the course in the form of the learning objects and the summary of every skill. It also gives you a detailed overview of the learning material.
O3 Sector specific activities and examples
Our initial survey showed a great need of easily aplicable examples that facilitates understanding and provides a good example of data understanding and communication close to one’s own field of work.
For this reason every module of the Data Understanding and Communication course has three mini-project activities. These follow the content structure of the course and provide examples of the different skills on different educational sectors:
- activities and examples for VET teachers and trainers,
- for Secondary school teachers in-service training activities and
- for continuous professional development (CPD) in the corporate sector and for adult VET trainers.
This way learners and teachers can identify the mini project closest to their professional interests.
These examples are build in the course structure but can be accessed separately as well, through the Resource Center
The integrated, publicly accessible OER Resource Center can be searched by skill or educational sector.
Anybody can upload an example or mini project (it cocnsists of a string of examples on the same topic showcasing several skills) using a template available after a simple and free registration. After the editors (team members from the coordinating institution) approve, it is freely accessible.
Part of the guidelines for teachers include the task for the learners to come up with their own miniprojects, thus we expect the Resource Center to continue to grow as the course is used.
We are greatly appreciate all the educators and the learners for making an effort to enrich the resource center for the benefit of the whole teaching and learning community.
O4 Lessons Learned Kits (LLK)
A complete, organic and easy to communicate set of multimedia publication on the results and the lessons learned during the piloting on how to implement DUC modules targeting teachers and trainers:
- The first kit is about teachers and trainers needs, good practices and teaching methods. Download it here in pdf.
- The second is about the publication of the of the course. Download it here in pdf.
- The third kit is about guidelines for implementation of DUC modules. Download it here in pdf.
Implementation guidelines
An Implementation Guideline was written to help teachers and trainers to plan and implement their own course offer with the use of the On-line content, Resource center, evaluation and methodological tools, written based on the O1 report, development plans and piloting results. A complex methodology is introduced multimedia on-line course content production on DUCK topic, descriptions on how to use the different on-line course elements in the classroom and by using other methods, with special emphasis on blended learning methods like flipped classroom, project work, mini project and collaborative learning.
O5 On-line resource center and learning portal
The results of this output can be seen in O2 Modular course of Data Understanding and Communication available in Moodle and in O3 Sector specific activities and examples, resulting in the open educational Resource Center.
The resource center and the learning platform will be sustained until January 2024 in the same format (3 years after the project ends).
Regarding the use of these resources, please refer to the above sections.
Short-term staff training events
Staff members from consortium institutions participated in two, 3 full working day training session in Palma de Mallorca, Spain and later online, using Adobe Connect and hosted by BME. The training originally was planned to Bifröst, Iceland, however the pandemic cancelled our plans for a face-2-face training event. We are please d to report that participants at the online event were as satisfied with their timne spent as those who were present in Palma.
During the first training session in October 2019 in Palma teachers were trained on the research carried out, the content and methodology planned for the Data Understanding and Communication course.
The second training session (for more details klick here) was held in October 2020. Practical tasks were based on partner organisations real-life problems and cases in HE, traditional VET, CPD and adult VET situations. They also worked on possibilities and development dynamics to investigate and plan institutional embedment, scaling up and further development ideas of the topic in the respective sectors, regions and countries.
National workshops to present results to teachers, trainers, and experts
Originally there will be two events organised in all partners countries, held on national languages. The first one focused on the needs analyses and the developed DUC course, as well as feed into the Lessons Learned Kit and the sector specific activities. These events were expected to take place during the fall of 2019 and spring of 2020. There were some events we have successfully organised before the lock down but some could only be organised virtually.
The second events were organised at the end of the project. It served as the validation event of the course and also added to the efforts of the sustainability of the results. It introduced all the project results, focusing on the piloting of DUC course and the Resource Center developed.