
Data Understanding magazine on Flipboard

Project partners have created and regularly update the Data Understanding magazine on Flipboard (see also side menu for the link). You are invited to follow it to familiarise yourself with data understanding and communication and also to find interesting examples in the topic.

Project newsletters

Newsletter Issue#1 – Data Understanding and Communication course is published

Newsletter Issue #2 – Data Understanding and Communication course availability after the project end + Implementation Guidelines

Needs analysis and best practices of data understanding and communication (DUC)

A research report that aims to map the state-of-the-art in DUC teaching methods in the consortium partner countries and at EU level:

  • critical and analytical skills needed for teachers and trainers
  • best practices of data understanding and communication teaching methods
  • Innovative teaching and training activities Toolkit

Download the report in pdf. Dowload the executive summaries, available in translations:

Booklet of the Data Understanding and Communication course

We have prepared an easily printed (pdf) handout of the course content, available as a free download in four languages:

Lessons Learned Kits


Szalma Éva: Adatértelmezés és –kommunikáció tanítása a szakképzésben és a felsőoktatásban. In Opus et Educatio Vol 7, No 4 (2020)