M3S2 – DUCK Persimmon Fruit

The Marketing director wants to propose a promotional campaign based on the key features and benefits of the fruit they want to start growing, persimmon. This is the starting point of the information they have and think it would be useful: The yellow-orange persimmon fruit is an excellent source of fiber, Vitamin A (it contains …

M3S1 – DUCK Persimmon Fruit

The Committee is working on the different information they have for 2019 and 20 so that to interpret and forecast estimations for 2021 and be able to start the production and make sure the CEO of the company has a clear view of the production data before starting the implementation process.

M2S3 – DUCK Persimmon Fruit

The committee of the fruit company wants to use some interesting messages to let their consumers better know about Persimmon.